There is a song by the one and only Garth Brooks called "Unanswered Prayers." I have always loved this song, it has brought tears to my eyes every single time I hear it. The lyrics always made me think about how awesome my life is and how fortunate that God placed Lee and I on that same path many years ago and made it so we would eventually bump right into each other, fall in love and have, well.... 1000 kids!
Folding laundry yesterday, I was watching Oprah (okay, so I wasn't folding laundry) but I was watching Oprah and Garth brooks was on, and I LOVE Garth so I took it as a sign that I could take a break from life and veg for a minute... Anyway he sang my favorite song, Unanswered Prayers, and at that moment, laying on the floor with my beautiful, sweet, perfect baby girl, it took on a whole new meaning for me! Each pregnancy of mine I prayed every day for God to take care of me and the precious life growing inside me. It was no different with Chloe. I prayed all the way to the hospital on the day she was born, "Please Lord, watch over me and my baby girl. Keep us safe, healthy and happy." As I look back now, I can't help but feeling that the prayers I said had a selfish, underlying tone... Just like many pregnant Moms, I was secretly praying that my baby be "perfect". I think, actually, I may have specifically ask God to make Chloe not have Down syndrome. (Boy, those were words were very hard to write.) Just think, if God had
answered my prayers, Chloe wouldn't be here today and sadly the world would have literately missed out on 1 of God's largest blessings! So I thank you Lord (and Garth)for the
Here is the song. Make sure you listen closely to the words in the chorus...
A few weeks ago we were asked by Joe and Jenny Krack of Stageright Productions to be the honored guests at "Olivia Night" for the wonderful performance of Fiddler On The Roof! Another humbling experience for us along this journey of a lifetime! $1000 was raised for Olivia by these amazing children and their friends and families. We will be forever grateful! I will leave you with a few pictures that we took on Olivia Night at Fiddler On The Roof! And remember....... be careful what you
pray for!
How's this for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
Just a few of the elite members of "Team Olivia"
This is what the beautiful cast and crew of Fiddler On The Roof worked on all day for Olivia! This pot had $1000 in it at the end of the night!!!