Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy Birthday sweet Chloe Bea!!!

Hard to imagine how our lives have changed in just 365 days! Chloe Bea you have opened up new worlds for us and we will be forever grateful! You have brought families together, friends closer and made the hearts of so many soar! You are truly Heavens most perfect creation and we thank God every single day for trusting us with one of his most precious Angels! Happy Birthday Sweet Princess Chloe Bea! We love you more than any of us thought was possible!

Here is a slideshow of Chloe's first
year, from the very beginning to late last night, when I tiptoed into her room, and snapped a picture of beautiful sleeping self! She partied VERY hard all day long! It is very lengthy due to the crazy numbers of pictures that we all have taken of her. I just couldn't pick so I just added a longer song! Enjoy...