Wednesday, July 27, 2011


As I reflect on the past 3 months of our journey to Olivia I can explain it in one amazingly simple word... Lucky!

I received an email yesterday from a very dear friend of mine. There is truly no need for any type of an explanation because it speaks volumes all by itself!!

Dear Beth,

Last Saturday night I took Peyton to his 1st Giants game. As you know the ball park is over a 100 miles away and the trip afforded me some time to talk to my son with no distractions. We spoke about many things during this time but one topic he kept bringing up was how much fun he had at your yard sale and how much he was looking forward to meeting Baby Olivia for the first time. He said that she was a lucky girl to be “inheriting” such a great family.

The word lucky caught my attention immediately. When I tried to explain to Peyton what Olivia’s current situation was and how most people wouldn’t define her as lucky, he immediately objected. He stated (and I am paraphrasing the words of an 8 year old) that she has hope and a family that is willing to do anything and everything to bring her home. That makes her lucky.

I almost drove through the Bay Bridge toll booth without paying my toll. My 8 year old son just opened my eyes and made me see the situation as it really is.

When I first heard about your plans to adopt another child I was less than enthusiastic. In fact I thought you were insane. I thought you had enough on your plate to keep you occupied for the next 30 years.

I was wrong. I was very wrong. Peyton made me see it and now I am a believer. You are not only going to save this young girls life, you are going to change other lives in a very positive and meaningful way. The impact that this adoption will have is immeasurable.

As you know, the McDonalds have had a rough couple of years. We do not have a lot to offer at his time (besides prayers) but there is something we can do. I am going to to be running the CIM (California International Marathon) again this year. I was looking for a cause to support and as luck would have it, I have you. I will be asking for a small pledge from family and friends for every mile I run. The goal of the McDonalds is to raise $300.00 for Operation Olivia. It is not much but I was hoping it could help with a few groceries.

You are a good person and you are doing a great thing. Keep focused on the prize at hand and everything else will take care of itself. Remember, you are changing lives and minds one person at a time. I can attest to that personally.



Clear Eyes, Full Hearts Can’t Loose.

We do feel Lucky..... So incredibly lucky... We have the best friends and family, the most AMAZING GOD and the support of an Army behind us. There is absolutely nothing in this world that can stop us from getting to our baby girl now!!

This past weekend we had a yard sale for "Operation Olivia." Paula and I were almost in tears when we opened her garage door and piles of stuff literally fell on us! We quickly figured out that maybe we should have been a tad more organized before accepting donations from 15 families :) It wasn't even 10 minutes later and there were about 20 people knee deep in bags and boxes helping us. I wasn't much help due to the fact that I couldn't keep my emotions in check! When I stopped and looked around at all my friends (new and old) sweating in the 100 degree Sacramento heat all for a tiny Baby Girl across the world that none of us has ever met, I fell apart.. I apologized over and over again and profusely thanked every single person there and the universal response was "We wouldn't want to be anywhere else!" I love you all with all my heart and I promise that the gift at the end of this "Rainbow" will be worth every bead of sweat!!
Thank you: Paula, Shanel, Lisa, Stacey, Carrie, Mary, April, Traci, Jenica, Colleen, Steph M, Steph B, and everyone else that I'm forgetting to mention!!!! There were honestly so many that worked so hard to make this sale the huge success that it was.. Ready for the grand total..... $1273.18... (Don't ask me where the .18 came from.) Here are a few pictures from the sale:

The bargain of the day for sure!!!!

Auntie Paula at our last donation pick up!! We were the Beverly Hillbillies!
Loved seeing this at the end of people's driveways!
Operation Olivia sign that will be at every event until the day she comes home!
Set up crew!

Steph and Chloe smooching!!
Steph Myers and Chloe taking a tiny yard sale snooze!!
The tired lemonade crew!!!!

Here's the result of all the hard work that went into a great weekend:


  1. Love that post, Beth. What a beautiful letter -- thank you for sharing! Yes, she is very lucky and I'm so thankful we're friends!!! Can't wait to meet her and see what else God has planned for you.

  2. I can appreciate all the hard work that goes into these yard sales! We had 4 yard sales...2 back to back! It was great in the morning, but when that sun came around the bend, folding and putting away all the clothes & stuff was tiring in the heat! Glad yours was so successful! :D
