Monday, June 27, 2011

A sick little Chloe Bea :(

 Poor Chloe Bea is not having a great week:( High fevers getting all the way up to 106. She spent half the day Sunday in the Kaiser Urgent Care getting multiple tests. She has a very low platelet count and white blood cell counts. I will update as soon as we know more.. As soon as things calm down a bit here with baby Chloe I can't wait to tell you all about the amazing Bunco night that one of my Best friends, Stephanie put together! It was a truly magical night...
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Quick Update on the Chloester!

As I recount the last 48 hours of my life I remember pretty much nothing but the fear. The fear that I felt when the Dr. called with Chloe's blood test results and she said the terrifying words "Chloe's platelet and white blood cell counts were severely low." The thoughts of leukemia briefly swept through my mind yesterday after we left the lab but I was able to continue on about my day and do my best to stay positive. When 8:00 came an went and still no phone call from the Dr. I was relieved thinking that no news was good news! Very soon after, the phone rang and Lee listened as the Dr. gave him the results. Last night was rough for me. I always go to the deepest darkest corners when things go bad. I already figured that we needed to get all the money from Olivia's adoption account and transfer it into her Reece's Rainbow account so another family will see that she has a nice start to her adoption funds and be encouraged to bring her home. I had my blog post all thought out in my head about how we needed to back out because we needed all the focus on Chloe. Leave it to my totally calm, wonderful husband to shut my insanity down! He told me to call on my Moms in the Sisterhood for advice because many of them most likely will know about all the crazy blood numbers that our special littles with their extra chromosomes can mean. That's exactly what I did and immediately I had a little peace. It wasn't until I spoke with the Dr. this morning that I started to feel confident that Chloe will be fine. We will be having more tests next week to compare the counts and we will go from there. Please continue to keep our baby girl in your prayers, she is a strong little Lulu and will be back to her bouncy, sassy self in no time!


  1. Poor baby!!! Sending prayers and hopes for healing....

  2. Oh so glad you have the Sisterhood...everything will be just fine. We LOVE you and your family sooooo much!
