Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just cuteness!

Nothing new today, just another amazing day with our girl! She is so happy to see us when her Nanny brings her out. However, she is equally happy to see her Nanny when we bring her back! I actually so enjoy seeing her relationship with her Nannies. I can honestly tell you all that she has been loved and cherished these past 14 months and it will be heartbreaking for her as well as her wonderful Nannies the day we take her through the gates for the last time. Certainly wasn't expecting to feel anything but elation and joy on Gotcha day. Never in a million years did heartbreak ever enter my mind. Crazy how things change! Get ready for a cuteness overload....

Goodnight All!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Beth, that last picture is so cute!!! I check for your updates every day. I'm so happy for you.

    Sue - WI

  2. I stalk my blogger everyday to see the new posts of your visits. I know they will bring me many smiles. She is so adorable!!!

  3. What Ipad game is she playing? What a sweet little girl she is. I love following and reading your updates :) Thanks for sharing this special journey.
    Joyful Momma

  4. The cuteness meter went off the charts!!! Is Friday still gotcha day??? Sending love and blessings!!!

    1. Teri! Friday is court. Our Gotcha day will be 10 days after, give or take! Thank you for all the wonderful comments!
